Thursday, April 24, 2008

Shooting Exercise

From Let me try the below and see how it helps..

This is an exercise given to me by George Brenzovich who has been coaching for around 40 years. It helped me quickly adjust to my new rifle and equipment. I've been shooting for 10 months (3p air) and this season my standing scores were around 89 on average. Now after doing this exercise many times, I'm consistently shooting 97's and 96's. I can't guarantee that kind of improvement for everybody, but I do hope it will be beneficial. By the way this is not just limited to the standing position it has also helped both my other positions, but standing was the most improved.

- 30 minutes of mounting the rifle
- no pulling the trigger (even dry-firing)
- put the rifle down if mount is incorrect or "doesn't feel right"
- 30 minutes of holding exercises
- again no firing including dry-firing
- hold rifle on a specific spot for 25-30 seconds (I used a target and picked a bull)
- 20 minutes of shooting
- 10 quality shots
- it's ok if it takes a bit longer than 20 minutes when you are building up rhythm which takes practice

If you get tired, stop the timer, take a rest, then start back up. It's typical with this exercise to get tired after the first few times.


Monday, March 31, 2008

Building the Conscious Circle Part II (Concentration)

Concentrating is Creating Proper Picture that will achieve the desired result. To get proper concentration the following principles has to be followed
  1. Principle of Focus ( When you are at Range, just think about Shooting and when you are in Office .. just think about your work. Dont think about any thing else. Where you are .. be all there)
  2. Principle of Re-enforcement (The more you think about, talk about and write about some thing happening , you increase the probability of that thing to happen. Be careful what you think about). Dont picture / think about the thing which you dont want..

Thursday, December 21, 2006

With Winning in Mind

What is Mental management

  1. When you lose it matters a lot.. It Hurts..
  2. Silver is the closest thing you can get to the Glold Medal and still lose.
  3. It does not matter if you WIN or lose.. Until you LOSE

Why Winners Win?

  1. Ninty-five percent of winning is done by only five percentage of participants.
  2. Winners are convinced, they will finish first.... Others hope to do so.
  3. If you dont expect to win, you have no chance of winning.

Mental Management: The process of Maximizing the probability of having a consistent mental performance, under pressure, on demand.

  1. An outstanding performance is powerful. Also an outstanding performance is easy. Only poor performance is pleagued by frustration and extra effert.
  2. Three mental components a) Conscious Mind b) SubConscious Mind c) Self-Image
  3. SubConscious Mind :- the source of skills and power to perform. All great performances are performed at this stage
  4. Self Image:- Total of habbit and attitude

Principles of Mental Management

  1. "Your Mind can concentrate on one thing at a time. If you are picturing some thing positive in your mind, it is ipmpssible, at the same time to picture soem thing negetive. And, if you have a negetive thought, you can not, at the smae time, think positively. "
  2. Action statement :- I take control of what I picture, choosing to think about what i want to create in my life.

  3. What you say is not important. What you cause yourself or others to picture is crucial.

    Action statement:- I always give myself command in a positive way. I remind myself that what others are picturing, as a result of hearing me speak, is crutial to proper understanding.

  4. [Sub- Conscious mind] The Sub-conscious mind is the source of all mental power.

    Action Statement:- I am so well-trained that all my performanceis Subconsciously done. I trust my Subconscious to guide my performance in competition.

  5. [Sub- Conscious mind] The subconscious moves you to do what ever the Conscious mind is picturing.

    Action Statement:- I realize that my Scubconscious power is moving me to perform I ma consciously picturing. I control what i picture and picture only what i want to see happen.

  6. [Self Image] Self Image and performance are always equal. To change your performance, you must first change your self-image.

    Action statement:- I am aware that my performance and self image are equal. I am eager to change my habits and attitude to increase my performance.

  7. [Self Image] You can replace the self image you have with the self image you want, there by permanently changing performance.

    Action statement:-I am responsible for changing myslef image. I choose the habit and attitude i want and cause my self image to change accordingly.

  8. [Self Image] The Principle of Balance. When conscious, subconscious and self image are all balanced and working together, good performance is easy.
    Action statement: I cause my Conscious, subconscious and self image to move toward being in balance, there by increasing my performance without frustration.

  9. [Self Image] Nothing is going to change if you dont change yourself first.

Some other points..

During shooting I should think of performing good enough to score a 10 till the end of the match. Time to think about the score when the match is finished.

[Balance of power] It is essential always to keep the Conscious Mind in activity at hand or errors will occur.

[Balance of power] There is nothing wrong having a big self image as long as you are willing to balance it with an equally large level of conscious and subconscious skills.

Building the Conscious Circle

The Mental Management Goal System

  1. Decide exactly what you want : Find goals that excite you. The more you identify what exactly you want the more your chances of obtaining them.
  2. Decide when you want it.
  3. List the pay-value
  4. Determine the obstracles in your way.
  5. What is your plan to get your goal.

Monday, December 11, 2006


Here I will put my day today learnings about shooting..
its me